Let's START!
The Online Finance Course for your Home + Business


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Take Calculated Steps for Your Home + Business

Basics we'll cover this course:

  • Do you understand the basic fundamentals of accounting? It's okay if not, because I'll be teaching you everything you should know about your company's financial documents and help you start running your home like a business too!
  • You might feel overwhelmed when it comes to managing money for your company and personal expenses. I'll show you my organizational systems to help with staying organized!
  • Budgeting isn't everyone's strongest skill, so I'll provide you with detailed steps to help create a budget that works for you/your company. Plus show you exactly how to implement it!
  • Can you calculate your business growth & use your data effectively? No worries if not! I'll show you how to do it and so much more!

Ready to Get Started?

Introducing the online finance course for entrepreneur's homes + businesses


Master your finances in every aspect of your life by learning everything in our home and business finance courses, all-in-one bundle course! From understanding your credit, budgets, and home accounting, to setting up your company's books, creating company marking budgets, and learning how to calculate your business growth, you'll learn it all!

The finance course bundle includes:

  • SKMN Home Edition: 3 Modules (plus 1 BONUS Module) + worksheets
  • SKMN Business Edition: 8 Modules (plus 1 BONUS Module) + worksheets
  • 5 FREE Business Templates ($249 Value) 
  • 30-day money-back guarantee 
  • Instant access + take at your own pace
Investment: $2094 NOW $327


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What You'll Learn

Section 1 (SKMN Home Edition)

MODULE 1: Understanding Your Credit
Helping you to understand your credit score and what impacts it. How and when you should start building your credit and even ways to start repairing. Breaking down the basics so you can increase your score gives you more financial freedom and opportunities.

MODULE 2: Budgeting Simplified
Helping you understand your numbers within your personal finances. Setting budgets, understanding liquidity, and assessing cash flow for fluidity create the freedom that works for your life. Showing different methods to budget so you can pick a workflow and approach that will work for you.

MODULE 3: Advanced Home Accounting
How to run your home finances like a business, because there are many similarities. Using Quickbooks Online shows you how to set up a personal chart of accounts, link accounts for automation, and quickly run reports to make more informed financial choices.

BONUS MODULE 4: Getting Out Of Debt ($49.99 Value)
Worksheet to get organized and video to show you how to use the download.
An online training course that includes videos breaking down concepts and showing you exactly how to. It is a self-paced course that you will have 6 months to complete, which should take you about 3 hours to complete.

Each module has a course workbook and worksheets. Sharing with you financial terms and concepts and giving you a system to organize your finances and be better at budgeting.

Section 2 (SKMN Business Edition)

This will be an introduction to get you started and prepare you for what is to come. There will be 8 modules in total, and every lesson will have a video and a PDF workbook with slides to follow along and take notes. 
Module 2 covers showing you how to set up your books using Quickbooks Online. You can choose any platform for organizing your books for your company, but this is what works best for me. You will learn how using Quickbooks Online can automate a system to know your numbers at all times, saving you time, money, and headache. While also giving you the knowledge to know the financial inter-workings of your company to make decisions based off data.
MODULE 3: NEW COMPANY - HOW TO CREATE BUDGETSIn Module 3, we'll be going over how to build budgets if you are a new company by using Excel documents and PDF sheets. If you are a seasoned company, I recommend you still watch this module because you probably should be treating your business as if it were new.
You're an established company if you've been around for 30 days, 6 months, or even 5 years. No matter how long you've been around, you now have historical data. This module will show you how you can use your own data to build out a budget sheet! If you are a new company, you still need to watch this so when you do have data, you'll know how to properly budget.
If you want to grow from an advertising perspective, I'll help you dial in and show you how to create a marketing budget using a business financial template! This template and module are vital for your company to grow and give you the knowledge to know when it is time to pivot.

In order to make decisions, you have to know your numbers ALL THE TIME! This module will explain and show you how to have calculated growth through different resources. So, at any given time you know your costs, your expenses, and you know why you are making that profit from a data perspective.

We must know our income and our expenses in order to gain a profit. In this Module 7, I'll be going over how to use your Proforma, so you'll know when it is time to make a change to continue to keep stepping forward.

In this module, I'll be going over how data drives your business and routines. It is SO important that we know our numbers at ALL TIMES in order to make the proper decisions for our company. 



Enroll Today.

Get 5 Business Financial Templates.


BONUS Template Breakdown

($249 Value)


1. Start-Up Cost - Helping you to know the beginning expenses with a new company or project and looking at both income and expenses and how to account for the startup. 

2. Pro Forma Cash Flow - Building projections for your business and estimating Cash Flow. Here we look at beginning cash, estimated income and sales forecast, and estimated operating expenses. This is a template for a 12-month budget.

3. Cost Benefit Analysis - A template to help you weigh different decisions against each other. Looking at the overall cost over a period of time and accessing the financial difference. In addition, look at the other pros and cons of each decision so that you are deciding with a holistic approach taking into account the financial impact and the other opportunity costs to your brand.

4. Balance Sheet - A balance sheet looks at the Assets, Liabilities, and Equity. A balance sheet gives a snapshot of a company's business value. A template to build out a balance sheet as well as a projected balance sheet once you know your pro forma cash flow budget.

5. Marketing Budget - Calculated growth through numbers. This template is for a product-based company, service-based company, or even a company that has a mix of the two. Allocating a perspective of sales to have a positive ROI and a marketing budget broken down by month through data. If you are looking to grow and want a marketing budget and not sure how to build one, this is template gives you the ability to plug in your inventory or number of desired services.

Templates are just that, a template giving you a starting point that can save you time, money, and headache. Understanding these financial documents can make you a better CEO and Business Professional just by knowing your numbers and data all the time. If you don't have any of these financial documents in place, you should. 

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Frequently Asked Questions


Kristy Gayton


What qualifies me?

I love business. How the interworkings all work together and how a simple idea with enough heart can turn into your life. It's like a game…and if you play it right, you can scale up and gain freedom via your profits. But you have to understand the moving parts and be informed in order to make the right decisions. You CAN do what you love and are called to do through providing a service or product for others, while at the same time having a comfortable lifestyle. I believe my life, journey, and gifts are meant to help others find that freedom through organized efforts and operations.

I have sold multiple entities in various categories and still actively run four companies. I have also sold companies for face value, launched ideas that didn't work, and lost thousands. All part of the journey and plan. But I can speak about scaling companies to seven figures in one year, and I also can speak about seeing and deciding when it is time to let go.

I LOVE the idea that at the drop of a hat, we can take control of our lives, create change, and take control of our schedule and our destiny by creating our own businesses. Business ownership though is not for the faint of heart. It takes understanding, organization, and focused efforts to make it. 45% of businesses fail in the first five years, and I believe many leave so much money on the table by not running their marketing or operations efficiently. A big piece is not understanding their numbers and profits and where to put their efforts, and that is where I know I can help!

I am at a place in my life where I know my many years of varied experience are meant to be utilized to help others succeed. You don’t know what you don’t know, and I can guarantee that by being part of theSTARTapproach, I will help you make the right decisions, and save you time and money. We have designed a program to help you START and APPROACH your business like you never have before!

Learn More About Kristy


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